Submit Your Guest Post
Do you qualify?
We accept guest blogs from the best of the best to enhance our in-house expertise. Think you qualify? We must warn you our standards are high and we are extremely selective.
Guest posts must:
Be original, meaning it’s never been or going to be published anywhere else (although we welcome you to post a summary on your own blog with a link back to the full article on our site).
Be topically relevant to SEO, blogging, guest posting & marketing..
Be substantially useful. It must be at least 500 words, in-depth, meaningful, and inherently valuable (not just click bait).
NOT be self-promotional.
Not include more than two external links.
You will be asked to:
Provide a headshot and short bio (100 words, max).
Provide in-post images and verify your authorization to use them.
Be willing to endure several rounds of revisions.
Be patient. We plan our editorial calendar several months in advance and only schedule one guest post per week, at most. We have a queue of posts to be published, so your post may not be published for several weeks.
Share the link to the final post in your social networks.
IMPORTANT: Guest Post requests from gmail addresses will be deleted without response due to the number of impersonators pretending to be people they are not. You must request to guest post from your company’s domain or your personal non-gmail email address.
REQUIRED: When you request to guest post you MUST provide these seven pieces of information:
Proposed topic and/or post titles.
At least 3 links to examples of existing published work.
What sites, if any, you wish to link to in your post. Links ARE permitted, but only to relevant content that benefits our readers. We need to know in advance about any primary links you desire because that will save us both time if they land on a site we are not willing to have linked from
Why you are asking to guest post. What is your goal?
A short description for your bio.
Links to your social media accounts for your bio: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok.